Lakeshore Housing Alliance Moves to Good Samaritan


Nearly 1 in 3 Ottawa County residents struggle to make ends meet, and Lakeshore Housing Alliance’s strengthened partnership with Good Samaritan works to identify needs among this growing group of individuals and families while encouraging a coordinated response.

Lakeshore Housing Alliance (LHA) is the recognized Continuum of Care for Ottawa County. In close partnership with nearly 30 area agencies and organizations, LHA works to understand the size and scope of homelessness across Ottawa County and creates sustainable solutions to end homelessness in the community.

Previously, Lakeshore Housing Alliance was hosted by the United Way of Ottawa and Allegan Counties where the organization saw substantial growth and maturity for its community plan. LHA’s move to Good Samaritan strengthens the overall Continuum of Care for the community. Good Samaritan already serves as the designated central intake agency—the Housing Assessment and Resourcing Agency, or HARA—for Ottawa County. Now with LHA’s broader Continuum of Care plan, LHA and Good Samaritan can strengthen a coordinated response for all individuals and families when they face homelessness or other housing crises.

This move will increase a coordinated response between Good Samaritan, Lakeshore Housing Alliance, and its member organizations, helping to better serve every person with their individual needs—from the moment a person faces a housing crisis or homelessness to the time when they achieve stable, affordable, sustainable housing solutions.

For more details about Lakeshore Housing Alliance and Good Samaritan’s partnership, visit or call 616-392-7159.

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